Juan On The Issues
Juan has personally delivered this information to thousands of residents since March. His consistent messaging since March continues to resonate with voters. Click here to view his walk piece: Walk Piece
To see some of Juan’s unscripted candidate forum responses click here, or go to his YouTube channel linked 这里
Only a decade ago, major projects such as Kaiser Hospital and the San Leandro Tech Campus were under construction. These projects created good-paying jobs, injected money into the local economy that supported our restaurants and other small businesses, and funded vital city services.
This growth has slowed sharply over the last decade. Blight has developed on many commercial corridors. The condition of San Leandro streets remains among the worst in Alameda County. I will use my knowledge, experience, and skills in the private sector to bring private investment dollars back to San Leandro. Let’s return to thinking more strategically and acting more decisively to revitalize our local economy.
- Qualifications: Ph.D in Economics from M.I.T, Business owner for 25 years (KPMG)
- Endorsements: San Leandro Chamber of Commerce PAC
Only a decade ago, major projects such as Kaiser Hospital and the San Leandro Tech Campus were under construction. These projects created good-paying jobs, injected money into the local economy that supported our restaurants and other small businesses, and funded vital city services.
This growth has slowed sharply over the last decade. Blight has developed on many commercial corridors. The condition of San Leandro streets remains among the worst in Alameda County. I will use my knowledge, experience, and skills in the private sector to bring private investment dollars back to San Leandro. Let’s return to thinking more strategically and acting more decisively to revitalize our local economy.
- Qualifications: Ph.D in Economics from M.I.T, Business owner for 25 years (KPMG)
- Endorsements: San Leandro Chamber of Commerce PAC
Great schools are the foundation of great cities. Since moving to San Leandro, I have dedicated thousands of hours leading school committees and volunteering with other parents to improve our schools. City Hall must better support our schools and help all students reach their fullest potential.
- Qualifications: SLHS Site Council Chair, Bancroft PTA President, Bond oversight committee member, Volunteer at school events, Former UC Berkeley lecturer
- Endorsements: Both SLUSD and SLZUSD School Board Presidents (James Aguilar, Kyla Sinegal), Former San Leandro Teacher Association President and Vice President (Jon Sher and Anita Waldron), and many administrators and teachers
I am committed to smart, targeted investments in public safety. We will establish unarmed mobile assistance teams with medical and mental health training to respond to non-violent 9-1-1 calls. This will provide better service to those in need and free police resources to focus on criminal activity.
This focus is imperative. San Leandro has significantly fewer officers on patrol compared to a decade ago, even though the population of San Leandro has increased by 10%. Property crimes today are widespread. We must restore our police department to full strength.
Improving public safety, however, requires more. We must also restore the trust of all San Leandrans in our police department. Trust is built upon honesty, transparency, and accountability. We will ensure the effective implementation of a civilian police oversight committee to hear and act upon complaints of police misconduct.
- Qualifications: 30 year career in forensics, extensive experience as a volunteer serving and interacting with our homeless and mentally ill residents, Vice Chair of the San Leandro Budget Task Force, extensive meetings with law enforcement professionals over the years
- Endorsements: San Leandro Police Officers Association, Homeless advocates (Moira Fry, Cathy Ralph)
I will lead efforts to establish and staff a homeless outreach and prevention office at City Hall, ensuring better partnerships with local and regional non-profits, and maximizing the benefit of the navigation center recommended by the Budget Task Force.
We must increase the supply of housing in San Leandro. I support the construction of denser housing in our downtown at both market and affordable housing rates.
To improve San Leandro’s cleanliness and attractiveness to both residents and visitors, we must enforce existing ordinances prohibiting illegal dumping, public urination/defecation, and vandalism. Property owners will be cited if they allow empty storefronts to become blighted.
We will also adopt practical solutions to address these problems, including facilitating the disposal of large items and installing public toilets to serve people without housing.
Our city should effectively share information and operate transparently. By using multiple channels of communication, I will ensure that our residents are better informed. We will also target communication more effectively.
To increase transparency, I will publish my appointment calendar so that the public knows with whom I meet and the purpose of each meeting. I will set the expectation that key public communications are translated into Spanish and Chinese.
I remain steadfast and unequivocal in my support of women, their right to choose, and their right to self-autonomy.
As Mayor of San Leandro, I will work hard to protect the rights of women to govern their own bodies, and will support efforts to codify and constitutionalize the protections guaranteed by Roe for 50 years.
In addition, because this ruling may have far-reaching implications, I will remain vigilant and address new challenges as they arise, such as threats to the rights and protections that have been won by our LGBTQ+ community members.
In my family, my work, my schools, my church, and community, I have worked diligently to help LGBTQ+ members feel welcome, supported, and treated with the same dignity as other members of the community. I encourage each of you to do the same, remembering our national goal of liberty and justice for all.